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 Hamza Robertson and Sami Yusuf :Your Beauty Lyrics

اذهب الى الأسفل 
كاتب الموضوعرسالة

عدد الرسائل : 254
العمر : 34
الموقع : http://ouladmoussa.on.ma/
تاريخ التسجيل : 15/09/2008

Hamza Robertson and Sami Yusuf :Your Beauty Lyrics Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: Hamza Robertson and Sami Yusuf :Your Beauty Lyrics   Hamza Robertson and Sami Yusuf :Your Beauty Lyrics I_icon_minitimeالخميس سبتمبر 25, 2008 7:32 am

Hamza Robertson and Sami Yusuf :Your Beauty Lyrics 1_1171032769

Your Beauty

Brighter than the sun
Fairer than the moon
Your beauty is so dazzling

Bigger than the sea
Higher than the clouds
Your soul is so enlightening

What I’d give to see your face
Beaming with so much grace

Brighter than the sun
Fairer than the moon
Your beauty is so dazzling
Bigger than the sea
Higher than the clouds
Your soul is so enlightening (x2)

Ya Mawlay, ya Mawlay Salli 'ala Taha (x2)
husnu Ahmadal Bashir
Akhjalal badral munir
Oh my Lord, Send your peace and blessings on Taha (one of the prophet's names)
The beauty of Ahmad the portent
Ashamed the illuminative full moon

Will I be from those
You welcome with a smile
As you call your nation
Come to my side

Or will I see you frown
And then turn away
I did let you down
I forgot this Day

What I’d give to see your face
Beaming with so much grace

Brighter than the sun
Fairer than the moon
Your beauty is so dazzling

Bigger than the sea
Higher than the clouds
Your soul is so enlightening


Ya Habiba Allah
Ya Safiyya Allah
'Alayka Salatu Allah
Wa Salamu Allah
Oh you the one who Allah loves
Oh you the one who Allah chose
May Allah's peace and blessing be upon you

Your smile is so bright
It lits up the dark night
Brought mercy and light
To my waiting heart

I know that I’m weak
Of my sins I can’t speak
Your mercy I seek
Though I’m not worthy

What I’d give to see your face
Beaming with so much grace

Brighter than the sun
Fairer than the moon
Your beauty is so dazzling

Bigger than the sea
Higher than the clouds
Your soul is so enlightening


Lyrics: Hamza Robertson and Bara Kherigi
Composition: Sami Yusuf
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Hamza Robertson and Sami Yusuf :Your Beauty Lyrics
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